
我们为成千上万的固定收益养老金计划提供有价值的见解, 在旅程的每个阶段提供可靠的建议和实际的支持. 我们的全球规模和广泛的资源可以在任何情况下为您提供支持, 同时提供定制的见解, 为您的计划量身定制的指导和支持.


Defined benefit (DB) pensions help deliver retirement income to millions of people around the world. 虽然计划可能处于不同的成熟阶段, 其中很大一部分正处于降低风险和关闭计划的过程中. We believe that a DB plan has a few key focuses – limiting risk exposure and delivering better retirement income for employees (the beneficiaries).  
  • 提供积极的退休服务

    管理DB策略并不是一件容易的事. 试图提供更好的回报, you need to be able to identify and seize opportunities that help to meet your long term funding requirements, 在应对可持续发展等挑战时, 长寿, 利率波动和监管压力.
  • 限制计划风险暴露

    一般来说, it is important that DB plans manage the risk of future underfunding and take steps to ensure member benefits are appropriately secure. 帮助管理这些不确定性, plan fiduciaries can usefully consider a range of solutions 包括投资策略, hedging, 风险转移, 提供会员选择, 安排财政支持.


没有两个固定收益(DB)计划是相同的. 每个单独的计划都有自己的资金状况, 风险预测, 投资策略, 赞助商关系和治理需求. 尽管如此,大多数DB计划还是有一些共同的主题和需求.

这取决于你的风险偏好和目标, 你可以考虑一些策略来管理你的养老金风险. You could adopt a strategy that reduces your risk exposure to fluctuating markets or one that enables fast reactions to capitalise on dynamic market changes for example.

Your risk appetite should align to your overall funding goals and enable you to explore the benefits of de-risking options (including buy-in or buy-out), 负债驱动型投资和资产负债模型.

我们的养老金风险顾问可以帮助您建立下滑路径和降低风险水平, 将风险管理与资金改善相结合, 负债驱动投资(LDI), 资产负债模型, 投资组合构建, 成员选择, 以及收购等风险转移选择. 

监管的变化, 立法, political uncertainty and market volatility are driving investors to pursue a wider range of opportunities across the pension balance sheet to seek return potential or manage your risks.

Many asset managers and investment strategies are now more aware of their wider social context and are incorporating sustainability goals. To implement an 投资策略 that reflects your long-term liabilities and goals, you need to be able to identify and develop the right strategic asset allocation and portfolio of asset managers to meet your needs.

We can help you examine a large range of asset classes and market/return drivers to create what we believe to be an optimal strategic plan to help meet your plan's growth objectives with an appropriate 风险预测. 

精算要求将包括定期估值, 监控你的资金状况, 预算预测和遵从性要求. 这可能涉及到在不同地域的多个计划之间的协调, 或者满足当地需求. 你可能需要检查退休计划的设计, 应对监管变化, 应对公司交易的影响, 甚至解决潜在的计划终止问题.

We have credentialed actuaries and analysts around the world that can help you to fulfil your actuarial requirements. 要了解更多有关您所在司法管辖区精算服务的信息, 98858威尼斯70570.

Access to external expertise and resources can help alleviate the administrative burden of pension plans. 无论你的计划是开放的还是封闭的, 累积或冻结, 我们可以帮助您缓解资源限制, 管理计划的复杂性, 管理合规风险.

Our services range from co-sourced to fully outsourced — and include temporary assistance during times of critical business or staff change.


  • 美世养老金风险交易所

    An online marketplace for organisations and trustees considering a bulk annuity transaction. The exchange provides direct access to up-to-date insurer pricing and shows the cost of an annuity transaction relative to scheme funding and accounting metrics. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 美世动态去风险解决方案

    利用我们的风险管理和运营专业知识, 这个解决方案提供了一个框架来定义您的目标终局, 还有到达那里的路线图. The roadmap helps you to react to market conditions and continue on the path to your desired outcome. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 实施和OCIO

    我们可以帮你定义, 通过处理治理等领域来开发和实施您的投资策略, risk, 可持续性和多样化. 我们灵活的服务,以满足您的需求,并帮助您实现您的投资目标.
  • 固定收益(DB)仪表板

    This is an interactive online tool that provides an overview of key statistics from all your defined benefit plans globally, 包括投资策略, 资金的位置, 预计现金流量和风险价值. 可以自定义它以深入到不同级别的计划信息, 并允许用户评估“假设”场景. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 可持续投资

    我们帮助您建立一个可持续的投资战略,将环境保护与可持续发展相结合, social and governance (ESG) considerations; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) factors and seeks an optimal mix between positive change and favourable returns. 
  • 资产管理公司研究

    通过订阅美世洞察®, 与投资公司结盟, 您可以访问数据, analytics and our forward-looking research on asset managers and thousands of investment strategies across both public and private markets.
  • 全球和本地精算师

    Focusing on issues impacting the benefits and wider compensation needs of multinational organisations, 我们提供建议, 全球和区域解决方案的战略和协调交付. 利用我们专有的美世环球工具, 我们提供融资和会计估值的全球协调, 假设设置, 综合报告和全球DB和DC计划管理. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 交易服务

    Our teams are deeply experienced in helping clients managing the complexities of transactions such as buy-ins, 收购和大型会员期权计划.  我们可以利用深厚的行业关系, 包括保险公司, 协助客户评估这些解决方案的可行性和最佳设计, 并在实施过程的每个阶段提供协助. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 战略研究

    成为美世洞察的一员® Community today to get access to strategic research from hundreds of thought leaders around the world, 包括美世和第三方出版商. 它是免费的,很容易加入.


简化搜索. Get strategic research tailored to your interests from thought leaders across the investment industry, 包括美世和数百家第三方出版商. 会员资格是免费的,注册只需几秒钟.


我们在这里帮助您应对各种挑战, 抓住固定收益养老金的机会


1 ESG投资指的是环境, social, and governance considerations that may have a material impact on financial performance, 因此被考虑在内, 以及其他经济和金融指标, 评估一项投资的风险和回报潜力. 主题投资涉及有目标的投资, 至少在某种程度上, 达到对环境的影响, social, 或者治理问题, 同时产生回报和降低风险. 一如既往地, 决定是否投资于esg主题的期权, 和所有选项一样, must be made pursuant to a prudent process with the objective of advancing the financial interest of the plan and its participants.