
员工对工作的核心期望正在发生变化. Many are now searching for a caring corporate culture that prioritises their mental and physical health while providing work-life balance and career paths – sustainably.

To attract and retain talent, it is critical to ensure your EVP reflects a changing world. 


让员工的价值主张有效, 它必须符合员工的实际经验. Our world has changed, in parts irrevocably, so to be truly compelling, 你的执行副总裁必须反映并满足这些变化.

evp是任何项目的一个组成部分 全面的员工福利和奖励策略, which are based on an implicit psychological contract that defines the employer-employee relationship.

The ‘commodities’ in exchange, for much of the 20th century, were pay, benefits, 还有工作保障,作为员工终身奉献的回报. “忠诚合同”很常见.

Things are different now. 大流行从根本上重新设定了员工的优先事项, 他们想要的不仅仅是外在激励和经济激励. 为了让你的员工价值主张保持相关性 吸引和留住人才 – the ‘value’ part of your EVP must evolve with, and reflect, what your employees prize.

A fundamental change in human values is underpinning a structural shift in the labour market. Organisations now have a moment of profound opportunity to pick up the tools of empathy honed during the pandemic – and carve a new way of partnering that is more relatable, 最终更可持续.
Kate Bravery

咨询解决方案的全球领导者 & Insights, Mercer


  • Gender
  • Generation 
  • Job level 
  • Caregiving status

What do your employees value in 2023? 你如何开始评估和发展你的执行副总裁?



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A growing body of research — including Mercer’s — shows that while pay and benefits are important, employees now want jobs that:

  • 实现灵活性,工作与98858威尼斯70570的平衡,以及他们选择的98858威尼斯70570方式
  • Prioritise their physical and mental wellbeing
  • Are intrinsically motivating
  • 提供一种意义和目的感
  • Connect them to a community
  • 有职业发展的道路和机会吗





Four steps to evaluate the appeal of your current employee value proposition and identify the future needs of your workforce:

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随着员工核心价值观的转变,工作中心性正在下降, 因此,企业需要评估员工的经历, EVPs, total rewards strategies, 以及与我们现在98858威尼斯70570的世界相抗衡的福利方案.

Four steps to evaluate the appeal of your current employee value proposition and identify the future needs of your workforce:

During volatile times, it is important to learn about the personal experiences of your employees. One of the best ways to do this effectively — particularly with remote employees — is to conduct online focus groups.

强大而意想不到的见解来自于提出开放式的问题, 允许员工分享他们的想法. 先进的定性方法, 比如自然语言处理, 应该用来发展员工经验的丰富描述吗.

在没有有效evp的情况下, employees become distracted, distressed, 然后开始寻找其他的机会.

在评估员工的关键需求时, 采取全人视角是很重要的, considering the wide range of life concerns that employees carry with them inside and outside work. We use a holistic needs assessment 帮助员工确定他们最关心的问题 四个重要的生命领域,它们是:

  • Work life,
  • Personal life,
  • Financial life, and
  • Health and well-being.

Then, 使用各种统计技术, 我们建立基于证据的洞察力,了解员工现在的需求, and in the future.

在一个理想的世界里,组织应该满足每一位员工的需求. But practically speaking, organisations must make tradeoffs and design rewards packages that are realistic and cost-effective. Conjoint research is one of the most effective ways to identify these tradeoffs.

当美世进行联合研究时, we start by asking organisations to identify the specific EVP elements they are considering offering to their employees. We then take those elements and arrange them in a series of balanced design comparison sets, 通常由三或四个元素组成的. Research participants are then asked to select which element they value the most and the least.

结果分析为每个元素生成一个按顺序排列的分数, reflecting the value that employees place on each employee value proposition offering. 如果你的组织想要弄清楚如何最好地投资于你的员工, 这是你做出基于证据的选择所需要的信息.

One-size no longer fits all. More and more people want to tailor their own work experiences and establish idiosyncratic employment contracts, arrangements, 或者与雇主达成个性化交易. 大流行病加速了这一趋势, 根据员工的职业发展阶段,提出一系列不同的挑战, their personal lives, and their future aspirations. As you redesign your EVP, it is critical to determine the extent to which employee experiences and preferences differ across employee populations.

我们使用了一套研究技术, including cluster analysis, profile analysis, and personas, to identify preference patterns and determine the extent to which EVP offerings need to flex to meet the needs of a particular workforce segment. Based on our research, we find that employees’ work-related needs and desires vary based on their:  

  • Gender,
  • Generation,
  • Job level, and
  • Caregiving status.


To compete, organisation must offer the right rewards, benefits and employee experience.

Designing competitive pay structures and policies that align to business strategies allows organisations to retain top talent and establish their brand in the market – an effective benefits programme goes a long way towards improving the employee experience and can be seen as a differentiator in the war for talent. As we continue to work in new, 虚拟方式和工作在许多组织中不断发展, there is a renewed opportunity to invent market-leading total reward strategies to drive performance.


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